IMIA Newsletter Februrary 2019: Issue No. 87
In This Issue
1. IMIA 2019 General Assembly Meeting August 26th, 2019 at MedInfo 2019 in Lyon, France
2. 2019 Call for Nominations for IMIA Board positions
3. Call for Nominations for IMIA François Grémy Award of Excellence
4. Call for Bids for MedInfo 2023 Now Open
5. IMIA Region events
6. National/global events
1. IMIA 2019 General Assembly Meeting August 26th, 2019 at MedInfo 2019 in Lyon, France
The 2019 IMIA General Assembly meeting will be held on August 26th, 2019 in Lyon, France. A formal notice and invitation will be sent to IMIA GA representatives in accordance to IMIA policy.
The IMIA GA meeting is always scheduled on a MedInfo year to coincide with the MedInfo congress. Please note that the early bird registration rate deadline is May 7th, 2019, registration link can be found here - .
We look forward to seeing you all at MedInfo 2019!
2. 2019 Call for Nominations for IMIA Board Positions
In accordance with recommendations made by the IMIA General Assembly, the Nominating Committee is pleased to make public a request to all IMIA Members who are interested in proposing a candidate for the following IMIA Board positions:
President Elect (2-year term - 2019-2021)
Current or past IMIA Board experience is a prerequisite
Responsibilities include but are not limited to participating on the IMIA Executive Committee and IMIA Board meetings. Currently the President Elect evaluates the next MedInfo Bid timelines and documentation prior to the call for bids being announced.
Must be prepared to commit to sequential roles of President and Past President, an additional 4 years of service.
VP Services (3-year term - 2020-2023)
Note: 1 year 2019-2020 of shadowing with current VP Services
Responsible for the yearly publication of the IMIA’s annual Yearbook, leading the Yearbook editorial team and working with the IMIA office.
VP Special Affairs (3-year term 2019- 2022)
Responsible for Special projects approved by the IMIA GA, with current focus on further development and growth of IMIA’s Accreditation program, leading the Accreditation Committee
Responsible for producing a viable business plan for approved projects
VP WG & SIG (3-year term 2019 – 2022)
-Responsible for the oversight of all IMIA Working Groups and Special Interest Groups
-Overseeing the applications for new WGs and SIGS and that the groups comply with the current IMIA policies
-Determining recommendations for termination to the IMIA Board and GA if a group is deemed inactive
-Ensuring that the yearly reports of all active groups are provided in accordance of IMIA’s statues for the annual IMIA General Assembly.
Nominations for these positions must be made on behalf of an IMIA member society, corporate or academic member and must include
-Accompanied by a letter of recommendation that supports and clearly states the reasons for the nomination, taking into account the profile, expectations and skills related to the position as described is this invitation.
-A short CV of the nominee
-A picture of nominee in jpg or png format
Terms for the positions will commence immediately following the IMIA GA Meeting on August 26, 2019 at MedInfo 2019.
Please feel free to share this information with others via the link on the IMIA website - 2019 Call for Nominations for IMIA Board Positions
The deadline to submit a nomination is April 1, 2019 (11:59 PM PT) and must be addressed to the current chair of the IMIA Nominating Committee, Dr. Hyeoun-Ae Park, IMIA Past President and sent directly to IMIA's CEO, Elaine Huesing at
3. Call for Nominations for IMIA François Grémy Award of Excellence
The IMIA François Grémy Award of Excellence committee is pleased to announce that the call for nominations is open. The closing date for receipt of nominations and all supporting materials is March 18th, 2019. The committee will consider all nominations and reach a decision by April 01, 2019.
The primary criterion for a potential recipient of the IMIA François Grémy Award of Excellence is “an individual whose personal commitment and dedication to medical informatics has made a lasting contribution to medicine and healthcare through her or his achievements in research, education, development or application in the field of medical informatics.”
Nominations have no specific format but must include sufficient information and supporting details about the nominee to both demonstrate how they meet the primary criterion and allow their nomination to be judged against others. They should contain, at a minimum:
-A one page summary of the nominee’s most important accomplishments/contributions;
-A current CV and picture of nominee in jpg or png format; and
- 2-3 letters of support from named referees, or nominator and seconders. Nominations should be sent to the IMIA Office via email:
For more information on history of the award and past recipients please see
4. Call for Bids for MedInfo 2023 Now Open
Intent to Bid due March 15, 2019
IMIA Society Members must provide IMIA with their intention to bid by March 15, 2019. The intention to bid must be addressed to the current President - Elect, Dr. Sabine Koch and sent directly to IMIA's CEO, Elaine Huesing at
Bids Documentation deadline is April 15, 2019
IMIA Society Members must complete the MedInfo 2023 Bid Document - MedInfo 2023 Bidding Documentation and Guidelines
Address the completed bid document to the current President - Elect, Dr. Sabine Koch and send directly to IMIA's CEO, Elaine Huesing at by April 15, 2019. Bids for MedInfos are only accepted by fully paid IMIA Society Members, no other bids are accepted.
5. IMIA Regional Events
APAMI 2018 Conference was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in October, 12, 2018, next conference location and dates to be announced.
STC 2019 – 07-10, April, 2019 - ICT for Health Science Research
Hosted By: EFMI & GMDS Hannover, Germany Website:
IMIA LAC & HELINA Next meetings TBA
6. Upcoming Events: National and Global
Share all listed events with your colleagues at -
March 05 - 07, 2019 World Health Care 2019 Conference, hosted By: WHCE
March 25 – 28, 2019 AMIA 2019 Informatics Summit, hosted By: AMIA
April 30 – May 01, 2019 GCC Healthcare Innovation Congress 2019, hosted By: Maarefah Management
May 02 – 04, 2019 ICT4AWE, hosted By: ICT4WE
May 26 – 29, 2019 e-Health2019, hosted By: Digital Health Canada, Canada Health Infoway & CIHI
May 28 – 29, 2019 dHealth 2019, hosted By: Austrian Institute of Technology, Austrian Computer Society & Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering CIHI
August 26 - 30, 2019 MedInfo 2019, hosted By: AIM and IMIA
November 16 - 20, 2019 AMIA 2019, hosted By: AMIA
August 21 - 25, 2021 MedInfo 2021, hosted By: HISA and IMIA
Future IMIA Newsletters
IMIA encourages all Members to submit news items, announcements and/or conference, events and career opportunities. We look forward to hearing back from you.
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