MIE 2022“Challenges of trustable AI & added-value on health”Nice 27-30 mai
In May 2022, the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) is pleased to welcome you to Nice, France, for the 32nd Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2022).
The Conference is organized by “MCO Congress” and the Scientific Programme Committee is chaired by Professor Brigitte Séroussi from the French Association for Medical Informatics (AIM).
Developed in the 1970s, the first AI systems were essentially knowledge-based decision support systems. At this time acquiring the required knowledge was considered the major bottleneck in building such expert systems. Despite their good performance, first knowledge-based systems were never routinely used on real patients and because they were able to explain their reasoning process, most of them turned out to be more beneficial for teaching than for clinical practice.
After some « winters », AI is back with new machine learning methods that promise to improve healthcare and medicine delivery worldwide. Indeed, AI systems can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and screening for diseases, support clinical care, and assist various public health interventions, such as disease surveillance, outbreak response, and health systems management.
As these new AI systems emerge, there is a natural concern about the level of control we concede when reviewing the pace at which AI methods are being introduced. “Like all new technology, artificial intelligence holds enormous potential for improving the health of millions of people around the world, but like all technology it can also be misused and cause harm,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.
One concern relies in particular on the fact that these new AI systems are often working as “black boxes” unable to explain their results. However, explainability is critical to respond to patient and practitioner narrative exchanges. Besides, practitioners are responsible for their decision and cannot easily follow AI system’s proposals they disagree with.
Thus, we invite research contributions to enlighten the MIE2022 theme “Challenges of trustable AI and added-value on health”.
We also expect any other submissions that fit into the following categories of biomedical informatics: decision support systems, clinical information systems, clinical research informatics, knowledge management and representation, human factors, consumer health informatics, natural language processing, bioinformatics, public health informatics, privacy, ethical and societal aspects, etc.
MIE2022 conference is a unique opportunity to meet senior researchers and top notched experts from all involved fields. It is also a place where young scientists should come to present their works, meet peers, network, and seek job and career opportunities.
Join MIE2022 in Nice, on the French Riviera, and be an active protagonist in the dynamically changing healthcare environment!
Brigitte Séroussi
Chair of the MIE2022 SPC
Voir le site et s'inscrire : https://mie2022.org
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