MIE2021 - Extended Deadline to Jan 31, 2021
for Full Papers, Short Communication Papers, and Posters
Thank you for the overwhelming number of submissions until yesterday's deadline.
As a number of colleagues at clinical sites, who are giving the battle against the pandemic, have requested an extension of the deadline, the SPC has decided to accept their request to be able to share their important experiences to our participants.
Therefore, the deadline for submissions of full papers, short communication papers, and posters is extended to 31st of January 2021.
The same applies to the super early bird deadline, which is also extended to 31st of January 2021. Please take advantage of the reduced fees.
We remind you that the 31st Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE) will be held as a Virtual Conference from the 29th to 31st of May 2021.
The current pandemic situation emphasized the importance of Health Informatics into the scientific process of evidence-based reasoning and decision making at all stages of healthcare for the benefit of Public Health.
Furthermore, your eHealth, Digital Health, and Biomedical and Health Informaticsscientific achievements, innovations, and applications are welcome to be considered for presentation and publication. Please take advantage of the extension of the deadline.
For the submissions we are using the online registry system. Please register to the system and provide your submissions at the link: https://access.online-registry.net/mie2021/
For updated information please visit the conference website at: http://www.mie2021.org.
For instructions on the submission types, and instructions for authors, please visit the link: https://mie2021.org/en/submission/instruction-for-authors/
On behalf of the MIE 2021 / SPC,
Professor John Mantas (Chair)
Professor Lăcrămioara Stoicu-Tivadar (Co-Chair)
Public Health and Informatics - From the Comfort of your Home or Office
Athens, Greece 29-31 May 2021
Online Registry - Professional Congress Management
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