41e conf. Sté Internat. Biostatistique Clinique, Kraków,Poland,23-27août20
Four decades after the first meeting in Brussels, the annual conferences of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) are recognized as the leading meetings for scientists and researchers from across the world who share the common interest in developing and applying new statistical methods in clinical, health and biomedical sciences.
In 2020, the 41st Annual Conference of the ISCB will take place in Kraków, Poland, a city of a thousand-year-long history. The former capital of Poland situated at the foot of the Royal Castle, Kraków was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1978. The charming medieval city squares and beautiful renaissance and baroque buildings create an exceptional atmosphere of the old times.
The conference will be hosted by the 656-year-old Jagiellonian University, whose notable alumni include Nicolaus Copernicus. The conference venue – Auditorium Maximum – is located within a 10-minute walk from the Kraków’s Old Town and its perfectly preserved cultural heritage.
The traditional five-day format of ISCB conferences and an exciting scientific programme will provide excellent opportunities to keep up with recent developments in advanced statistical methodology, and for interactions and the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience, both during the scientific sessions and in informal discussions.
The scientific programme will cover the latest developments in a wide range of fields relevant for clinical biostatistics including Bayesian statistics, big data, survival analysis, causal inference, non-inferiority trials, individualized risk prediction, and machine learning, as well as the current debates regarding the concept of statistical significance, the need to reconcile randomized clinical trials with population-based real-world evidence, and the impact of unmeasured confounding. The plenary talks by eminent researchers will include ISCB President's Invited Speaker Miguel Hernan and the two Keynote Speakers Frank Harrell Jr. and Trevor Hastie.
Details regarding the scientific topics of the conference, plenary lectures, invited sessions, conference courses and mini-symposia are given overleaf, as well as on the conference website.
Apart from a stimulating scientific programme, the social programme and the early career biostatisticians’ day will provide unique networking opportunities.
Hoping the conference will be a fruitful and enjoyable experience we cordially invite you to Kraków and to ISCB41,
Important Dates :
15 January 2020 : Call for ABSTRACTS submission and Conference. Awards applications, Registration opens
29 February 2020 : Deadline for Abstracts submission and Conference Awards applications
15 April 2020 : Notification of Abstract acceptance
5 May 2020 : Early bird Registration deadline
10 August 2020 : On-line Registration deadline
Michal Abrahamowicz , Chair, Scientic Programme Committee
Krystyna Szafraniec, Chair, Local Organizing Committee
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